Net Nanny 6.0

Net Nanny 6.0 filters and eliminates unwanted online content while monitoring Internet activity as well as offline computer usage.

Protects Families and Children

Much more important than how it works, is that you know that Net Nanny does work. You have the peace of mind of knowing that you are protecting your children and family. Net Nanny can block not only pornography, but hate sites, questionable chat rooms and other dangers of the Internet. You can even configure Net Nanny to block online game and gambling sites, and even make it so your children can only install and play computer games with parental ratings that you deem appropriate.

One of the highlighted features in Net Nanny 6.0 is its ability to dynamically filter secure proxy Web sites, which is the No. 1 method used by teens to circumvent desktop filters. In the review, PC Magazine states, "Net Nanny can block proxies, but it has a second line of defense: It filters both secure and non-secure traffic, kids can't fool it by tweaking a Web address to use HTTPS.

Integration With Popular Search Engines

The new Net Nanny integrates seamlessly with "Safe Search" options found in popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Dogpile, AltaVista, Lycos, AllTheWeb, and MSN. This means your children can't search on a search engine and even see links to blocked sites. This new feature enables better protection against pornographic images when doing an "image only" search. If a child attempts to turn off the safe search capability from the search engine, Net Nanny will turn it back on in real-time as the search is occurring. The only way to bypass the safe search is with your unique administrator password, which only you as the parent knows. Believe it or not, Net Nanny actually blocks content in multiple languages to provide even more enhanced protection for your family.

More than Just Web Protection

Did you know that there are many ways your children can access pornography and questionable content on the Internet. Net Nanny provides full protection on not just the World Wide Web, but also less known but equally dangerous parts of the Internet like the Usenet, Peer-to-Peer downloading networks, Chat Rooms, Instant Messages, FTP, Forums and email. If you have never heard of some of those areas of the Internet, it is possible that your kids have. But don't worry. Net Nanny knows about them, and protects your children from the bad content on them.

Enhanced Reporting

Already recognized as best in class, Net Nanny reports have provided parents with a first class presentation of Internet activity of children. As a parent you will know what sites your children have visited, and what sites they have attempted to visit. You will also be able to see full text of the actual Instant Messages. Net Nanny empowers parents to monitor and or block children's access to certain areas of the Internet. Internet Predators don't have a chance against parents armed with Net Nanny.

Remote Management

Net Nanny has enhanced its administration tools. Powerful Remote Management tools exist to help parents to manage and maintain Internet policies remotely if an Internet connection exists. Monitor web browsing and instant messaging from anywhere!


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