Process Lasso

Process Lasso is a software that will improve system responsiveness and stability.Process Lasso 3.59.8 is a System Maintenance product from, get 5 Stars SoftSea Rating, Process Lasso is a unique new technology intended to automatically adjust the allocation of CPU cycles so that system responsiveness is improved in high-load situations. It does this by temporarily lowering the priorities of processes that are consuming too many CPU cycles, there-by giving other processes a chance to run if they are in need. This process priority optimization is useful for both single and multi-core processors. No longer will a single process be able to bring your system to a virtual stall.

With Process Lasso, these processes are temporarily reduced in priority so that the system is returned to a responsive level. Process Lasso can even work when multiple processes are responsible for a decrease in system responsiveness.

In addition, Process Lasso offers abilities such as a system responsiveness graph, default process priorities, default process CPU affinities, termination of disallowed processes, and logging of processes executed. With Process Lasso you create rules to manage processes running on your system. 

Once you install Process Lasso, it'll just start working. More advanced users can tweak the configuration, but you needn't touch anything.

Process Lasso is extremely efficient and itself has almost no CPU usage. The core engine, called the Process Governor, is separated from the GUI so that one can completely close the GUI and keep the primary functions of Process Lasso operating.

Best of all, Process Lasso does all this while consuming almost no system resources. We've got a highly refined and optimized core engine that you won't find anywhere else.

Process Lasso Functions:

* Auto-termination 

* Default process affinities 

* Foreground boosting 

* Process launch logging 

* Default process priorities 

* System responsiveness calculation and graph 

* And so much more... its free, give it a try

Technical Features:

* For Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, and 2008 x32 and x64. 

* Show CPU utilization, system responsiveness, or a simple unchanging icon in the system tray.

* Includes TweakScheduler utility to fine-tune NT scheduler parameters. 

* Backend uses native NT APIs for process management, resulting in extremely efficient operation --    more so than competing products utilizing the psapi or toolhelp APIs. 

* Written in C/C++, resulting in minimal resource consumption. We've worked hard make sure Process    Lasso consumes as few resources as possible. 

* Toggle auto-startup (at login) of processes. 

* When not visible resource use is minimized through a sleep-like mode. 

* Configure processes to always start at a desired CPU affinity. 

* Auto-terminate undesirable processes. 

* Log all executed processes. 

* Available in native x86 32 and 64 bit binaries for optimal performance under Windows x64                  platforms. 

* Automatically manage process priorities to improve system responsiveness and prevent stand-stills.

* Configure processes to always start at a desired priority. 

* The core functionality is isolated into a non-interactive process and configuration stored in an INI       file. 

* Graphical Interface Features

* Easily set rules for default process priorities, affinities, and more.

* Easy to use right-click menu system allows for setting of process state and defaults (priority,            affinity, startup at login, and more). 

* Optionally show balloon tips to notify you when actions are taken.

* Unique system responsiveness calculation and graph display, along with typical processor utilization    graph. 

* The GUI is not required for process management, it can be totally closed. The license of this             windows utility software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this Windows Utility           software.


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